TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Earning Codes

Note: You must set up earning types before you can set up earning codes. See Earning Types for information on how to set up earning types.

Use the Earning Codes function to set up and maintain an unlimited number of earning codes for different types of work. Earning codes store information used to calculate an employee's pay for a particular type of work, such as assembly or packaging. Earning codes also store information used to calculate pay for work (such as overtime or shift-differential pay) that multiplies or adds an amount to the employee's base hourly rate.

You must assign valid default earning codes to each employee. You can assign earning codes to employees in one of two ways:

  • Click the Copy To button on the Earning Codes screen to copy earning codes to a range of employees. See Copy Earning Codes for more information.
  • Using the Setup and Maintenance Employee Information function, double-click the Default Earning Code field on the Pay tab. The Valid Earning Codes dialog box appears where you can select the valid earning codes for the employee.

You can override the default earning code when you enter Payroll Transactions.